PrimeSolve’s key data partnerships combined with our powerful optimisation algorithm allow you to effortlessly build sophisticated portfolios for your clients.
Design your own model portfolios or allow advisers to build or optimise custom client portfolios based on their set objectives. When constructing a portfolio, advisers can apply multiple screens including:
Maximum fee, both at an individual and portfolio level.
Min and maximum exposure to different fund manager styles.
Maximum portfolio volatility.
At PrimeSolve we will track the performance and correlation of all of the investments on your product list. Combined with our powerful portfolio optimiser we are able to apply modern portfolio theory to help you construct a suitable portfolio.
You are able to construct a portfolio using any of the following methodologies:
Mean variance optimisation (MVO) – Minimise risk for a given return expectation.
Black Litterman model – Expands on (MVO) by allowing you to insert your own in-house bias or market views to the model. This is available for both Australian & International investments.
Portfolio score – Maximise portfolio score. We utilise Thomson Reuters Lipper service to rank each managed fund.
Factor based investing – We rank each stock on the ASX based on return factors that have historical significance.
It is also possible to combine methodologies.