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Key features that make PrimeSolve different.

  • Online Fact Find;

  • Instant SOA generation;  

  • 25+ Scaled and Limited Personal Advice topics available;  

  • Compare over 500+ products across superannuation, pension, wrap & investment bonds; 

  • Comprehensive risk comparison engine across group and retail insurance comparing over 600+ insurance plans. 

  • Comprehensive SOA solution;  

  • Customised SOA templates; 

  • Optimise for 200 + Strategies;  

  • Automated best interest generator; 

  • Ability to pre-determine recommendations or optimise; 

  • Ability to run simulations and perform sophisticated risk analysis;  

  • Ability to run simulations and perform sophisticated risk analysis;

  • Optmisation over multiple years rather than year by year;  

  • Web based solution with data integration options available; and  

  • Rank client objectives and determine what can be achieved for a given confidence interval.  

  • Optimisation is performed over both strategy and the unique product universe of each advice group.   

  • Portfolio optimisation across your custom product universe. Portfolio optimisation techniques include Black Litterman model, standard Mean Variance Optimisation, Portfolio score based on key ranking factors (Size, Value, Momentum, Yield & Quality), managed fund rankings based on Thomson Reuters Lipper score.  

  • Open API architecture allowing CRM integration.  

  • Key data partners include RiceWarner, Yodlee & Thomson Reuters.